Friday 21 October 2011

My tip...

I was forever trying to get my Little Princess to eat fruit and cereal, but as she doesn't cooperate with me if food is on a spoon I came up with a little trick, which I thought I would share with you all.

I blitz a weetbix, a few blueberries, a couple strawberries, a banana, a bit of pear (you could use whatever fruit- that's just what I had at the time) and a dash of vanilla with her milk to make a brekkie (or any time of day) smoothie. 

I then cut a bigger hole in the top her bottle to allow the little chunks through (you will have some no matter how long you blitz, I've tried) and give it to her! She loves it, and as a fussy eater I think any baby would love it. I couldn't put it in her sippy cup as the chunks just blocked the no spill filter and I wasn't able to find a cup that isn't no spill. 

I hope my tip works for you to get your little one eating fresh fruit!